I hereby state my wish to participate in the art project ‘Déberlinisation’ by Mansour Ciss, to be presented at the Biennale of Dakar (Dak’Art) in May 2002. 

My contribution to the work will be in the area of media arts, in particular, incorporating digital image processing, videography and internet communication strategies.

The work will include a website, workshops, and various mass-media activities, designed to raise consciousness, debate, discussion, acknowledgement and reflections on the theme of ‘Déberlinisation’ and the legacy of European colonialism in Africa.

I very much look forward to making my contribution to this important and timely work.

Baruch 'Bruce' Gottlieb

Berlin, November 8th, 2001



Equipment List:

Video Camera
Digital Camer
Powerbook Laptop
Analog Camera
Laser Printer
Minidisc Recorder/Microphone







Mansour Ciss

creates a generator of hope


Baruch Gottlieb

develops technology to transform this energy into products of hope

Transparent with regard to history

Irreverent of taboos


What is most exciting in this day and age is to review history with eyes afresh, acknowledging the distortions of anger and mourning.

Whatever it may be


Look at the sickness of our cities

The sweet ecstasy of their fear


Baruch Gottlieb

Born: May 27th, 1966  - Montreal, Canada


Prototype of an ideal media organism

Creative exploration…its purity protected by the art space.


Ouvrir la possibilité d’en discuter

N’importe quoi


Laisser entrer le soleil

Dans l’histoire

Dans les histoires gênantes

Non discutées




Art -> finances (Monnaie Unique Africaine)




déberlinisation home

Baruch Gottlieb home